Hi! My name is Kayleen and I am a licensed master social worker that specializes in narcissistic abuse recovery. I provide support for individuals that have been exposed to toxic parents, partners, siblings, friends, and/or bosses. As a trauma informed therapist, I use EMDR therapy to treat post traumatic stress disorder that is common in victims of toxic relationships.

My story is similar to yours.
I have chosen to work with victims of narcissistic abuse because I can relate with my clients. I have experienced divorce as well as coparenting so truly understand how challenging it can be, especially when a high conflict person is involved. Unless you have experienced emotional abuse, you can't understand what happens behind closed doors. My own story has been a driving force to help others identify abuse, get empowered, and heal from the hurt and pain they have experienced.

Part of healing is finding who you are again.
How did I get through it all? With some of my favorite things in life - therapy, music, connection with trusted friends, exercise, coffee, nature, and travel - especially to the mountains!
I believe that you must connect with yourself and nurture that relationship first before any other relationship. Part of that process is going to therapy and doing something for YOU.